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The Christian faith hinges on the resurrection of Jesus. Our goal in this section is to introduce you - or remind you - of some disciplines that we believe are helpful and wise ways to respond to the invitation to know Jesus. 

Following Jesus

To follow Jesus is the fist step in the direction of satisfying our hearts deepest longings. To follow Jesus is to obey Him - to seek his guidance and leadership in every area of our life and to trust Him with our salvation. Have you surrendered your life to Jesus? 

The Bible

"Ancient, but not outdated!" The Bible is a primary source of revelation to know God and understand our place in the world. While many books have been written about God, the Bible is unchallenged in it's theological, historical, and relational revelation of who God is and what His purpose is in the Earth. It also helps us understand who we are, and how we fit into God's plan.


Prayer is a gift that allows us to share our lives with God, invite him into our lives and usher his presence into the world. Sadly, many of us do not take advantage of this gift because we don't understand it. Let this section remind you of the beauty of prayer, and as always - if it brings up questions, please don't hesitate to ask!   


Worship is so much more than what we do on Sunday mornings - but it's not less than that. We'd love to invite you to join us in making Hope Valley a house of worship!


Resting is one of the most powerful ways that we can express our faith and trust in Jesus, it's also one of the most counter-cultural disciplines that exists.