Exodus Part 3: Worship In The Wild

Mar 2, 2025    David Hermes

Let's take a fresh look at Exodus and the incredible meaning behind the Tabernacle—God’s way of saying, “I want to be with you.” It wasn’t just an ancient tent; it was a powerful symbol of God’s desire to be close to His people. From the Garden of Eden to the New Jerusalem, this theme runs through the entire Bible—God longing to dwell with us.

The detailed instructions for building the Tabernacle show that coming into God’s presence isn’t something to take lightly—it requires intention and reverence. But thanks to Jesus, the barrier has been removed, and we now have direct access to God like never before.

This challenges us to think about how we create “holy spaces” in our own lives—intentional moments and places where we meet with God. It’s a call to go beyond surface-level faith and pursue a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Him. So, here’s something to consider: How can we make space for God in our daily lives? And what would change if we truly embraced the reality that we, as the church, are now His dwelling place on earth?

Chapter 1: The Tabernacle: God's Dwelling Place

0:00 - 15:00

Introduction to the tabernacle and its significance in God's plan to dwell with His people.

Chapter 2: The Structure and Symbolism of the Tabernacle

15:00 - 30:00

Detailed explanation of the tabernacle's structure and the symbolism behind its various elements.

Chapter 3: The Veil and Our Access to God

30:00 - 45:00

Discussion of the veil separating the holy place from the holy of holies and its significance in our relationship with God.

Chapter 4: Tabernacling with God Today

45:00 - 60:00

Practical application of the tabernacle concept in our modern spiritual lives.