Starting Strong.
In this powerful message, we're challenged to embrace God's call on our lives and make 'God plans' for the new year. The central scripture, Matthew 4:18-20, recounts Jesus calling his first disciples. This familiar passage takes on new depth as we consider our own readiness to follow Christ. Just as the disciples immediately left their nets, we're asked to examine our heart's posture towards God's invitations in our lives. Are we ready to surrender our plans for His greater purpose? The sermon beautifully parallels our spiritual journey with the disciples', reminding us that following Jesus is not a one-time decision, but a daily pursuit. We're encouraged to deepen our relationship with God, allowing it to grow in intimacy and richness throughout the year. This message speaks directly to our tendency to take God's presence for granted, urging us to actively pursue Him and find Him in every circumstance, both good and challenging.
Key Points:
- God calls us to change the orientation of our lives and become His apprentices
- Following Jesus is a daily pursuit that should deepen our relationship with Him
- Discipleship is meant to be experienced in community, not in isolation
- God may lead us into difficult circumstances, but He promises to protect and deliver us
- We are called to use our gifts and talents to advance God's kingdom and serve others
- The Holy Spirit equips believers with fruits and gifts to be like Jesus and do His work.