Everyone has a next step. We're passionate about helping you take yours. Here's a quick guide to help you figure out some next steps that you can take to connect and grow with Hope Valley.
Jesus is inviting us to know, trust and follow Him. In exchange for our self-reliance, he offers us a new life and the opportunity to join Him in making all things new.
If you have never surrendered your life to Jesus, or feel God drawing you to freshly surrender to Him please do not hesitate to reach out by filling out the the form at the bottom of this page or talking to someone this Sunday.
If you have never surrendered your life to Jesus, or feel God drawing you to freshly surrender to Him please do not hesitate to reach out by filling out the the form at the bottom of this page or talking to someone this Sunday.
If you have made a decision to follow Jesus, one of the most important things you can do is connect to people who can spur you on in your faith.
Being connected to others is not just for new Christians; it is an essential element for everyone who is following Jesus.
To get connected at Hope Valley, you can talk to people on Sunday morning, join a group, or fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
Being connected to others is not just for new Christians; it is an essential element for everyone who is following Jesus.
To get connected at Hope Valley, you can talk to people on Sunday morning, join a group, or fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
Baptism is an important "next step" in the life of every believer after he or she has surrendered their life to Christ.
Here are a few reasons that it is so important:
If you want to know more about baptism talk to someone this Sunday or in your small group - or just fill out the form below.
Here are a few reasons that it is so important:
- Biblical Precedent. In acts chapter 2, Peter calls people to "repent and be baptized" for the forgiveness of sins. In this way, being baptized is an act of obedience to God's will for us as revealed in scripture.
- Public Profession of Faith. Baptism is a public declaration of the deeply personal and saving faith in Jesus Christ. It symbolically identifies the new believer with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. It signifies a new beginning, much like washing away old clothes and putting on new ones.
- Formal Commitment to Christ and His Church. In the same way that baptism requires someone else to be involved in your life (you really shouldn't be baptizing yourself), we are reminded that we are not only devoted to Jesus, but also being added to the global and historical church.
- Unification of Faith. Baptism unifies believers across denominations and cultures. It’s a common practice that bridges the gap between Christians, emphasizing our shared faith in Jesus.
If you want to know more about baptism talk to someone this Sunday or in your small group - or just fill out the form below.
Reading the bible is a keystone spiritual Discipline. Our encouragement is to develop a daily reading habit so that you can encounter God and grow in the faith on the daily basis.
Here are a few additional benefits to reading the Bible....
We become spiritually mature. Regularly studying the Bible helps us grow spiritually. It develops a deeper well of revelation to draw from and cultivates a robust spiritual vocabulary for God to leverage for our transformation. The Bible brings about transformation in our lives by instructing us in righteousness, correcting and rebuking wrong thoughts and actions (2nd Tim 3:16) and renewing our minds (Romans 12:1). (note: It's not just reading that makes us mature, but also believing and obeying what we read.)
Understanding Who God is. The bible is the authoritative text to help us know, trust and follow God.
Understanding God's plan and purpose. The bible does not just introduce us to who He is, but also what he desires to do and even how God goes about accomplishing His purpose.
The Bible doesn't just teach us about God, it also teaches us about mankind and God's lovingkindness and faithfulness toward man throughout time and space.
Here are a few additional benefits to reading the Bible....
We become spiritually mature. Regularly studying the Bible helps us grow spiritually. It develops a deeper well of revelation to draw from and cultivates a robust spiritual vocabulary for God to leverage for our transformation. The Bible brings about transformation in our lives by instructing us in righteousness, correcting and rebuking wrong thoughts and actions (2nd Tim 3:16) and renewing our minds (Romans 12:1). (note: It's not just reading that makes us mature, but also believing and obeying what we read.)
Understanding Who God is. The bible is the authoritative text to help us know, trust and follow God.
Understanding God's plan and purpose. The bible does not just introduce us to who He is, but also what he desires to do and even how God goes about accomplishing His purpose.
The Bible doesn't just teach us about God, it also teaches us about mankind and God's lovingkindness and faithfulness toward man throughout time and space.
Spiritual disciplines are the things that we do to connect with Jesus so that our lives can be more deeply formed by Him. The following videos are from our "How to Church" class and can help you get started with some of the core spiritual habits that help believers sustain continued healthy growth.
Following Jesus - What is the Gospel?
David Hermes, Andrew Jackson, Megan Hermes
Following Jesus - Reading the Bible
David Hermes, Andrew Jackson, Megan Hermes
Following Jesus - Prayer
David Hermes, Andrew Jackson, Megan Hermes
Following Jesus - Worship
David Hermes, Andrew Jackson, Megan Hermes
Following Jesus - Rest
David Hermes, Andrew Jackson, Megan Hermes
The Christian life does not end with our transformation. God desires and empowers His people to invite other people into a saving relationship as well.
For help figuring out what this means for you, please fill out the form below or talk to someone this Sunday at the service!
For help figuring out what this means for you, please fill out the form below or talk to someone this Sunday at the service!