What if we committed to an intense, transformative pursuit — not just for physical or mental toughness, but for deep spiritual renewal? 75 Holy is a challenge designed to cultivate spiritual discipline, draw you closer to God, and ignite a hunger for His presence in your daily life.

Inspired by the structure of 75 Hard, this is not just a challenge, it’s a program, a tool —to help you be transformed. It’s not about making yourself new, it’s about positioning yourself so God can make you new. Your effort + God’s presence = transformation.

Over the course of 75 days, you’ll engage in intentional practices like daily Scripture reading, extended prayer, fasting, worship, and acts of service. It’s about strengthening your spiritual endurance, renewing your mind, and living with a greater awareness of God’s presence.

This isn’t about perfection—it’s about progress. It’s not about checking off a religious to-do list—it’s about encountering the living God in deeper, more powerful ways.

Are you ready to step into 75 days of transformation?


Fast Something 🚫
Read the Bible* 📖
Pray* 🙏🏽
Deliberate Act of Kindness 🩹
*can easily be done in one devotional time.


  1. Invite someone to Church or Small group
  2. Show up at church
  3. Attend a Small Group, do a bible study with someone outside my household, or pray with someone not in my household


Sign up today so we can pray with you as you kick off this season of pursuing God.

Choose a Type
Food Fast – Skip meals or certain foods (e.g., Daniel Fast).
Media Fast – Step away from social media, TV, etc.
Selective Fast – Cut out distractions (e.g., caffeine, sugar).
Set a Timeframe – you can fast the same thing the whole 75 days, switch every few weeks or even switch it up every day.
Replace Food with Prayer & Scripture – Use the time you’d normally eat to seek God.
Listen & Reflect – Ask: What is God teaching me through this fast?
Break the Fast Wisely – Ease back into eating if fasting from food.

God’s Word is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12). It reveals who He is, shapes our thinking, and strengthens our faith.
Start with a Plan – Consider starting with the Bible Reading plan that corresponds with the sermon series.  Choose a Gospel (John is great for beginners) or a short book like Philippians.
Pray Before You Read – Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand and apply what you read.
Read Slowly & Reflect – What does this passage teach about God? How does it apply to my life?
Take Notes – Write down key verses, questions, or what stands out to you.
Live It Out – The Bible isn’t just for knowledge—it’s meant to transform your life (James 1:22).

Not sure where to start? Check out the bible reading guides.

Prayer is conversation with God. It’s not just talking—it’s listening, surrendering, and building a real relationship with Him. Jesus regularly withdrew to pray (Luke 5:16), showing us its importance.
Start with Gratitude – Thank God for who He is and what He’s done.
Be Honest – Share your struggles, fears, and desires. God wants to hear from you.
Pray Scripture – Use Psalms or Jesus’ prayers as a guide.
Listen – Prayer isn’t just speaking; take time to be still and hear from God.

To be clear, our whole lives can be worship. Worship isn’t just something we do at church—it’s a lifestyle. Whether through music, prayer, or simply surrendering our hearts, we can experience God’s presence right where we are. Here’s how to cultivate worship in your home:

Set Aside Dedicated Time. Choose a time when you won’t be distracted. Morning, evening, or whenever you can be fully present. Turn off distractions (phones, TV, social media) to focus on God.
Use Music to Lift Your Heart - Play worship music that exalts God. Sing along, meditate on the lyrics, or simply sit in His presence. Here are some recommendations...
Express Gratitude Take time to thank God for who He is and what He has done (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
Write down things you’re grateful for as an act of worship. (This is the crossover between journaling and worship and prayer)
Pray & Meditate on God’s Presence. Pray not just with requests, but with adoration: “God, You are holy, You are faithful, You are good.”
Sit quietly and meditate on His presence. Let worship be a time of listening as well as speaking.
Worship Through Your Actions.  Worship isn’t just singing—it’s surrender. Ask, How can I honor God with my life today?
Serve someone, give generously, or love others well as an act of worship (Romans 12:1).

Jesus said, “Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). Serving others reflects God’s love and brings joy.
Start Small – A kind word, a text of encouragement, or holding the door for someone.
Be Intentional – Look for opportunities to serve daily.
Give Generously – Buy someone a meal, support a ministry, or meet a need.
Speak Life – Encourage, pray for, and uplift those around you.
Expect Nothing in Return – Love like Jesus—freely and sacrificially.

This isn’t about being a great writer—it’s about deepening your walk with Christ. It’s about thinking yourself clear in the presence of God, and taking time to recognize and the thoughts that stir in your mind.
This is an opportunity to record prayers, struggles, and encounters with God. Journaling helps you reflect on what God is teaching you, track your spiritual growth, and be honest with the Lord in a tangible way.
How to Journal (Simple & Practical Steps)
Start Small – Don’t overthink it. A few sentences or a short paragraph is enough.
Be Honest – Write what’s really on your heart, not what you think you “should” say.
Use Prompts – If you're stuck, try these:
What did I read in Scripture today? How does it apply to my life?
Where did I see God working today?
What am I struggling with, and how can I surrender it to God?
What am I grateful for?
Pray as You Write – Let your journaling be a conversation with God.
Review Over Time – Occasionally, look back to see how God has moved in your life.

In a world that is constantly changing, Sunday mornings are a great anchor for the whole person (the spirit, soul and body) and a constant reminder of the faithfulness of God through every kind of season. Gathering on Sunday mornings is one of the countercultural expressions of our faith that uniquely positions us for the transformation, healing and freedom which our soul longs for.
Pray on the way... Pray on your way in for God to meet you in a remarkable way. Intercede (pray on behalf of) for God  to meet other people's needs, and for Gods presence to overflow our services and impact our city.  
Bring someone with you. There's nothing like helping someone experience the presence of God for the first time, or in a new way. There's always room for one more.
Come Ready. Show up ready to encounter God, to connect with the people of God, and also to help others do the same. Don't forget that you can also come ready to ask for help when you need it.  
Think Bigger. Don't just come to the service... make plans for lunch, or to watch a game, or go for a hike after the service.  
Join a Team. Join a service team and help create the environment where people are safe and excited to know, trust,  and follow Jesus together!